Do you want to read the great passages in the New Testament more often? Perhaps this app will help. I made it so I could have the great Bible stories on my phone or tablet for easy access. I think you will enjoy it also.This simple app contains the full Bible text of more than 40 of the New Testament stories. PLEASE NOTE: Bible passages are from the English Standard Version. A few of the stories included are:
Jesus Feeds 5,000 The Bread of LifeJesus Walks on WaterThe Good Samaritan The Prodigal SonJesus Raises LazarusJesus and ZacchaeusThe Triumphal Entry Saul Encounters JesusPeter and CorneliusPaul in CorinthPaul in EphesusPaul Goes to Rome
... and several more.There are no ads to distract and everything is stored on your tablet or phone